免责声明·来源网络不承担任何责任| wangyang 摘录 | 时间 2011/11/2 阅读:9714次|如有侵权请来电删除

      涂漱维,女,号蚕石,高级美术师教授、世界文联书画艺术协会会员,南昌画院特聘画家、江西女艺术家协会常任理事。上世纪七十年代开始美术创作,从中西绘画两方面探索艺术形式风格,擅长人物画,风格写实,早期作品以油画等色彩画创作为主,九十年代后以中国画创作为主。 作品曾在全国、省市数十次获奖。作品主要风格:传承和借鉴中国古老的敦煌飞天、菩萨等艺术形象。水墨色彩相映、铸古融今。众多作品被美国、香港等海外人士收藏。 Artist Biography Tu Shu D, F, No. silkworm stone, senior artist, Professor, Chair academy painters Nanchang, Jiangxi Association of Women Artists permanent members. Start the seventies of last century Fine Arts, from both Chinese and Western painting styles to explore art forms, is good at figure painting, realistic style of the early works are mainly oil paintings and other colors, after the nineties mainly Chinese Painting. Work in the country, dozens of award-winning cities. Main styles of work: tradition and draw on ancient Chinese Dunhuang Flying, Buddha and other artistic image. Ink color matched, cast this ancient melt. Numerous works by the United States, Hong Kong and other overseas collections.